Sister serena severe

Sister Serena Severe was raised by a Baptist preacherwoman in a cloister endowed by a benevolent shopping-center capitalist. After completing her studies in languages, she met Sister Gringa Haze and later followed her into the cloth. Cerebral and with a wry smile, Sister Serena stands tall and statuesque, letting her elegant clownery speak volumes. She has lent her creativity to the house by developing a new process for making our House Coronet, the Disco Mary, using a Dixie-cup hat. She has been seen manifesting in Austin, San Antonio, Dallas, and at the 40th Anniversary Conclave in San Francisco. Sister Serena seeks to spread her message of joy with her favorite tool: body language. She intends to soul-twist her way through her ministry, seducing everyone in all directions with her sinful, silly, and scintillating dance. Sister Serena salutes you!


Sister Gringa Haze

Sister Gringa Haze started her journey with The Weird City Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence in February of 2014. She has had the pleasure of manifesting with Sisters around the state, and around the country. While walking in protests and parades, or attending vigils and fundraisers, Gringa always tries to spread joy with a mind toward harm reduction. And she wants to remind you–get tested, know your status, and undetectable means untransmittable!



Hello, I’m Sister Freeda B Trans-Parent! I first came across a couple of interesting white-faced clowns, in what appeared to be Nun attire, at the registration for the Hill Country Ride for Aids in 2018. About a week later at a fundraiser being held by my cycling team, we were joined by a wonderfully friendly person that during our conversation I discovered was one of those clown nuns (Sister Leigh). I started asking questions, lots of questions. I wanted to know everything about the group and was instantly drawn to the mission. I became an Aspirant shortly after and *Bada Boom Bada Bing* made my way to FP. I love spreading joy, fighting stigmatic guilt and working fundraisers to help others.


sister havanna goodnight

Sister Havanna Goodnight popped into existence as an act of defiance against the bad in the world and has compassion to help heal the hurting and broken. Sister Havanna wants to see great changes made for the good of all people, and she wants everyone to be havanna goodnight!!

Sister Genie Inna-Tuaca Bottle

Sister Genie Inna-Tuaca Bottle came to life at the bottom of a bottle – of Tuaca, of course! – in a seedy, nasty, dirty, filthy, amazing, Leather bar in Austin, Texas, in late 2013. She didn’t even notice that she was imprisoned until the cork was popped and everything changed!! Sister Genie’s service heart burst forth, just like her bosom. Bringing Joy (with her boobs)!! Giving Hugs (mostly with her boobs)!! The mission to end Stigmatic Guilt!! (ummm, with her boobs?)

She found her path and her calling. Oh sure, on first sight, there are the pretty dresses, the sparkly jewels, poufy plumage, and more glitter than should ever be legal. But more than that, being trusted with hurts and celebrations, secrets and dreams, of the members of our community is the driving force and focus of this Sister’s work.


sister rebar mcintyre

Sister Rebar McIntyre became aware of the Sisters due to her close attention to the gay press while living in a repressed, religious wasteland in the early ’80’s. The photos and short articles gave her life during difficult times. Forty-some years later, when she needed something positive in her life, a series of moments became a watershed and Rebar is now a Sister – serving her community, giving and receiving love, expiating shame and cultivating universal joy.


sister menda garmÉnt

Sister Menda Garmént – stitched together by kindness, thread, and friendship. Sister Menda was sewn together from a pile of clothing on a drag queen’s floor in 2019, and with the perpetual joy manifested by the Weird City Sisters, she came to life! Finding a calling in the local Austin community to spread joy and open the hearts of others in the process. Even when the world is on pins and needles Menda is here to mend the gaps!


Sister amor

What does one do when officially excommunicated as a priest in the Church? One becomes a Queer Nun!  Sister Amor joined the Sisters in 2014 in San Diego through the guidance of Sr. Gaia Love. From ministering in the Asylum of the Tortured Heart, Sister Amor moved home to Texas where in 2017, she met and eventually joined the Weird City Sisters in Austin. In May of 2018, Sr Amor was surprised with a public profession of final vows. She has since lived in Odessa, Texas, and continues her work. Currently, she is working to try and start a House in West Texas. Above all else, Sister’s mission is to spread love and joy with a simple and true message: You are beautiful. You are loved.


Sister LEIGH VITICUS – Emeritus

Having survived Catholic School, Sister Leigh Viticus has always had a special place in her heart for nuns.  She joined the Order of Benevolent Bliss in Portland, Oregon in 2013 and then transferred to the Los Angeles Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence in 2014.  She moved to Austin after taking part in the Hill Country Ride for AIDS for the first time in 2016.  She has participated in numerous AIDS Rides, a half marathon & roller skating events, all in full drag.  In addition to Portland, Los Angeles & Austin, Sister Leigh has been fortunate enough to travel to San Francisco, San Diego, Palm Springs, Washington DC, Detroit, Louisville, New Orleans, Houston, Dallas & San Antonio to participate in events with Sisters in other cities. 



You can call me Buddy or Papi which ever you like! I took my name from The Veteran of Foreign Wars Buddy Poppy program that provides compensation to the veterans who assemble the poppies most people see on Veterans Day. I, like many of my family served in the Army and have spent much time supporting the VFW. I have worked with many non profits since High School and I always love the opportunity to give back to my communities in any form I can. I currently live in an Airstream with my partner and we travel full time. The Weird City Sisters is where I started my Sister journey and traveling full time has given me the opportunity to visit houses across the country. I always look forward to hanging out with members of SPI so if you see I am in your area and want to hang out please hit me up!